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Our Journey Begins…

Boy, have we been busy! We’ve had several kids born in the past few weeks and it has been quite an adventure. While every birth is exciting, one of the most exciting was Blackberry’s twins. They were both males and they were born just as the first raindrops of a major storm came through. We were in the process of moving Blackberry to another shelter and she had them before we could get her inside.

Thankfully, we were able to grab the twins and carry them inside to a warm stall. Blackberry followed right along and was an excellent mother to her kids! I was worried that the babies were too small to survive, but they never had a bit of a problem.

We quickly nicknamed them Butch and Sundance. It was amazing to me that they were almost identical in appearance and color. Butch is a bit more stout and is a solid brown with dark points. Sundance, on the other hand, matches his brother with the addition of a large white patch on his side and white spots on his leg. Both have a large white spot in the center of their foreheads.

Butch and Sundance are incredibly close. They cry for each other if one wanders away. We provide our babies with black feed buckets to sleep in (we’ve found they love them!). Butch and Sundance will cry for the other if one finds himself in their bucket alone. They snuggle together when sleeping and, due to their similarity, it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins!

We’re going to do our best to try to find Butch and Sundance a new home together. These tiny brothers love each others company and we don’t want to see them separated!

Butch and Sundance enjoying the sun on a recent warm day.